Annual Streering Committee 23-24 May, Athens, Greece


MoVET partners met again on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th in Athens for the annual Steering Committee, hosted by MoVET partner IEK AKMI, the first time that the 12 partners of MoVET project met in person.

During the meeting, all partners evaluated the 1st year of activities and challenges emerged throughout pandemic times. However and despite the obstacles, MoVET partnership managed to work efficiently together from distance and finally, in person.

This valuable moment of sharing and reflecting on feedbacks from all sides has given new inputs and possible solutions to continue improving our project.

The group discussed also the organisation of EU+Western Balkans twinning sessions for the development of the internationalisation paths and the activation of the process of mobility, with the target identification. Each Western Balkan partner is supported by a EU partner in the co-construction of customized approach for every action.

This meeting in Athens fostered the partnership and raised the fact that cooperation among MoVET partners is growing strong, bulding, step by step, each path towards internationalisation.